'Quick, DENIS IT IS HERE'... I waited for him to come and join me as we both sat in our lounge so excited about this moment. We have patiently waited for this very day since the whole process began in August 2012.
To see our lovingly renovated retro abode featured in Inside Out Magazine is a massive achievement for us! We sat there drooling over the 6 page spread, reminiscing about how much we have actually done to our place within less than 2 years. Totally chuffed that our renovation is stylie enough to grace the pages of a glossy interiors mag!
It is so interesting to see how an interview translates into a story and how the photos pull it all together. I really love what Clare wrote... she captured our story and the personality of our style and renovation process so well. I particularly like the opening paragraph, and I really do wish I had magical powers like Samantha Stevens from Bewitched!Anyhow, if you have made it to retrodelights.com.au after reading our story, thanks for looking! We still have lots to share with you, bathroom reno, converting a garage into a photographic studio, and a new master bedroom suite and living area upstairs. Yes we have decided to re-configure our place so the renovations continue!
Thanks for following our reno journey, Kyrie & Denis xo

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